
Jens Spahn Quotes

Let's not ask whether the parents are gay or heterosexual. The important thing is who the best parents are in each individual case.

"Out on the Right: On Being Gay, Conservative and Catholic". Interview with Markus Feldenkirchen and René Pfister, November 23, 2012.

I didn't choose to be gay. It would be more accurate to say that it was determined by nature.

"Out on the Right: On Being Gay, Conservative and Catholic". Interview with Markus Feldenkirchen and René Pfister, November 23, 2012.

It's ridiculous to insinuate that the social recognition of homosexual civil unions damages families or the institution of marriage.

"Out on the Right: On Being Gay, Conservative and Catholic". Interview with Markus Feldenkirchen and René Pfister, November 23, 2012.

I'm a devout individual so I remain faithful to my church.

"On Being Gay, Conservative and Catholic". SPIEGEL interview, November 23, 2012.