
Jerry A. Coyne Quotes

All Quotes Evolution

Faith is a padlock of the mind, and few keys can open it.

"Don McLeroy Leaves Creationist Comment: Evolution Can’t Explain 'Biochemical Complexity'". "Why Evolution is True" blog by Jerry Coyne, January 30, 2013.

Evolution tells us where we came from, not where we can go.

Jerry A. Coyne (2010). “Why Evolution is True”, p.218, OUP Oxford

In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.

"For the love of God... scientists in uproar at £1m religion prize". April 7, 2011.

In the end theologians are jealous of science, for they are aware that it has greater authority than do their own ways of finding "truth": dogma, authority, and revelation. Science does find truth, faith does not.

"William Lane Craig Defends His Ridiculous Claim That Animals Don’t Suffer". "Why Evolution is True" blog by Jerry Coyne, February 09, 2013.

Theology is the post hoc rationalization of what you want to believe.

"Quote of the Week: William James on Theology". "Why Evolution is True" blog by Jerry Coyne, June 04, 2012.

Why, exactly, are scientists supposed to accord "respect" to a bunch of ancient fables that are not only ludicrous on their face, but motivate so much opposition to science?

"Nicholas Wade’s Ridiculous Prescription for Curing Creationism". "Why Evolution is True" blog by Jerry Coyne, November 28, 2012.

We humans have many vestigial features proving that we evolved. The most famous is the appendix.

Jerry A. Coyne (2010). “Why Evolution is True”, p.65, Oxford University Press

Damn, but science is just a constant feed of cool new facts and theories. Theology doesn't come close.

"A Huge Water Geyser on Saturn’s Moon Helps Make the Rings, and a Bonus Eclipse From Mars". "Why Evolution is True" blog by Jerry Coyne, September 17, 2012.