The women in my family are just strong women who do their own thing, so I knew I needed to have individuals like that.
I think having wild, huge hair, is me being my own version of a lioness.
You need to have honest things in the world. Even if people don't understand it, if it's coming from you, that's already important.
I'm always looking for people to feel connected to me and inspired in their own right.
I find that the quest to be perfect and make perfect music is like a black whole. I realize that you can come with the intention to capture a vibe and use a formula, but you have to accept that most of the time its not going to be what you envisioned and you might manifest something better. I think that's been the hardest thing to wrap my head around that most ideas we go for ends up sounding different. I think art in general should be about enjoying the process and the experience. All that matters is if you feel the music and it captures the element your going for.
I remember just looking at this lioness, she was staring at me, and we just had this weird connection.
This world is going in all sorts of directions, but I think all you can do is get people to think about things in a different way, because sometimes people aren't even thinking.
We created this journey [in the Begin], sonically, that people can really wrap their heads around and live with and get to know us a little bit more. The dark colors, the light colors, our up-tempos, and our down-dreamy stuff.
You're just always growing. I feel like it's been very fast growth, but super exciting and I know I'll look back and feel like 'Yes, things were stressful, but it was also such an exciting time.'
As I got older, I started to do it more and more, and I wanted to learn all of the different types. I grew up doing modern, so I wanted to learn ballet, tap, jazz, and African - just everything.
I tend to write about love because I'm always thinking about it. I think a lot though and struggle with overanalyzing. Way over. That's the thing, I feel like I do that a lot and then finally when I stop thinking, that's when it happens.
I love to feel that I'm not above anyone.
That experience of being in the wild in a place where life initially began for all creatures gave me a overwhelming sense of connection.
Sometimes words come easily and sometimes they don't. Most songs take me twenty minutes to write.
Transformation comes in a lot of different forms, but going natural really helped me love myself.
I think my life dramatically shifted when I met Lucas [Goodman] and it wasn't even planned. I had a very clear vision of what I was going to do.
I've always been an animal lover my entire life.
Of course, I'm a dancer. Dancing grabbed me from the start and I have was never afraid to do it. With out dance I wouldn't be singing. I want to expose people to the underground dance scene through music.
People just try to put you in a box and I don't see myself in any particular box. I'm making my own box. There's no way I would be able to make the music I'm making without dancing.
I grew up always wanting to be a dancer and when I went to New York, I fell in love with the idea of performing in all ways.
The freedom I experienced as a dance major in college gave me so much, but the reality of being in school is that you are still forced to work under restrictions.
I would feel weird having someone style me. It would have to be a collaboration. I've had those experiences and every time it happens I don't feel good. What's the point of putting all this work into something and then when you present it, it's not you?
I'm not looking to be the greatest pop star of all time. I want to be an artist. I want to influence people and I want to get people to think about the world, to think and talk to each other and connect. To challenge one another.
I prefer to do things by myself, but I always bring in people who inspire me.
I was shaped in college into a performance artist. I never really thought of myself as being one singular thing. I think of myself as an artist and I feel no restrictions when it comes to how I want to portray what I want to portray.