Whatever you think of Facebook, you cannot fault it for lack of ambition.
Remember all of the 'me too' social networks built just to have a social feature Facebook and MySpace didn't have? I built one for political discussion called Essembly. It enabled unique and potentially transformative social interactions, but only 20,000 people ever used it.
It brought Pittsburgh into the picture of football teams in the National Football League that, ‘OK, you have to deal with us now.’
Everyone knows the presidential candidates and has an opinion about them. But as you get to smaller races, that evaporates and you can win through sheer elbow grease.
Without social networks, you're not the coolest thing on the Christmas list, and you're not getting any bite.
At 1970 rates of production, Canada's reserves represent 923 years supply for oil and 392 years for gas
The way to get people civically engaged, not just during the election but throughout the year, is to tap into Facebook and let them do it with their friends.