
John Dryden Quotes about Desire

Desire of greatness is a godlike sin.

Desire of greatness is a godlike sin.

John Dryden, Joseph Warton, John Warton (1811). “The Poetical Works of John Dryden: Containing Original Poems, Tales, and Translations”, p.232

More liberty begets desire of more; The hunger still increases with the store

John Dryden, Samuel Johnson (1822). “The Poems of John Dryden”

Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire.

John Dryden, C. B., Esquire Charles BATHURST (1852). “Selections from the poetry of Dryden, including his plays and translations. [The editor's preface signed: C. B., i.e. Charles Bathurst.]”, p.212