
John Dryden Quotes about Nature

The glorious lamp of heaven, the radiant sun, Is Nature's eye.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the radiant sun, Is Nature's eye.

John Dryden, Paul Hammond, David Hopkins (1995). “The Poems of John Dryden: 1693-1696”, p.302, Pearson Education

For Art may err, but Nature cannot miss.

John Dryden, Joseph Warton, John Warton (1811). “The Poetical Works of John Dryden: Containing Original Poems, Tales, and Translations”, p.194

We by art unteach what Nature taught.

John Dryden, John Loftis, Vinton A. Dearing (1967). “The Works of John Dryden, Volume IX: Plays: The Indian Emperour, Secret Love, Sir Martin Mar-all”, p.30, Univ of California Press

Chaucer followed Nature everywhere, but was never so bold to go beyond her.

John Dryden (1868). “The Poetical Works of John Dryden: With Life and Critical Dissertation”, p.194