
John Dryden Quotes about Pain

How happy the lover, How easy his chain, How pleasing his pain, How sweet to discover He sighs not in vain.

How happy the lover, How easy his chain, How pleasing his pain, How sweet to discover He sighs not in vain.

John Dryden (1762). “The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq: In Six Volumes”, p.372

Long pains, with use of bearing, are half eased.

John Dryden (1808). “The Works of John Dryden: Now First Collected in Eighteen Volumes”, p.123

Sweet is pleasure after pain.

'Alexander's Feast' (1697) l. 57

Ah, how sweet it is to love! Ah, how gay is young Desire! And what pleasing pains we prove When we first approach Love's fire!

John Dryden (1808). “Sir Martin Mar-All. The tempest. An evening's love. Tyrannic love”, p.393

But dying is a pleasure / When living is a pain.

John Dryden (1808). “The works of John Dryden: now first collected in eighteen volumes. Illustrated with notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and a life of the author”, p.465