John Gay Quotes
John Gay, Thomas Park (1808). “The Poetical Works of John Gay: In Three Volumes. Collated with the Best Editions:”, p.76
Cowards are cruel, but the brave love mercy and delight to save.
John Gay, Nathaniel Cotton, Edward Moore (1826). “Gay's Fables and other poems: Cotton's visions in verse ; Moore's Fables for the female sex ; with sketches of the authors' lives”, p.20
John Gay (1791). “The Beggar's Opera: A Comic Opera”, p.73
'The Beggar's Opera' (1728) act 2, sc. 4, air 22
John Gay (1926). “The Poetical Works of John Gay: Including 'Polly', 'The Beggar's Opera' and Selections from the Other Dramatic Work”
John Gay (1854). “The Fables of John Gay Illustrated”, p.64
John Gay, O. F. Owen (1857). “The fables of John Gay illustrated”, p.96
John Gay, Nathaniel Cotton, Edward Moore (1826). “Gay's Fables and other poems: Cotton's visions in verse ; Moore's Fables for the female sex ; with sketches of the authors' lives”, p.73
From kings to cobblers 'tis the same; Bad servants wound their masters' fame.
John Gay, O. F. Owen (1857). “The fables of John Gay illustrated”, p.202
John Gay, Marcus Walsh (2003). “Selected Poems”, p.85, Taylor & Francis
John Gay (1863). “The Poetical Works of John Gay: With a Life of the Author”, p.5
'Fables' (1727) 'The Elephant and the Bookseller' l. 74
One common fate we both must prove; You die with envy, I with love.
John Gay (1779). “Fables ... In one volume complete”, p.103
John Gay (1805). “Gay's Fables, etc”, p.23
And when a lady's in the case, You know, all other things give place.
'Fables' (1727) 'The Hare and Many Friends' l. 41
John Gay (1761). “Poems on Several Occasions... by Mr. John Gay...”, p.236
'Dione' (1720) act 4, sc. 6
One wife is too much for most husbands to bear, But two at a time there's no mortal can bear.
John Gay (1818). “The Beggar's Opera”, p.41
No retreat. No retreat. They must conquer or die who've no retreat.
John Gay (1983). “Dramatic Works”, Oxford University Press, USA
Fair is the kingcup that in meadow blows, Fair is the daisy that beside her grows.
John Gay, Thomas Park (1808). “The Poetical Works of John Gay: In Three Volumes. Collated with the Best Editions:”