Frenzy Quotes

DuĊĦan Makavejev, Wilhelm Reich (1972). “WR, mysteries of the organism: a cinematic testament to the life and teachings of Wilhelm Reich”
Jack Kerouac (1976). “On the Road”, p.301, Penguin
Henri Barbusse (2005). “The Inferno”, p.157, 1st World Publishing
'Paradise Lost' (1667) bk. 11, l. 485
John Gay (1761). “Poems on Several Occasions... by Mr. John Gay...”, p.236
William Shakespeare (1851). “Dictionary of Shakespearian quotations: Exhibiting the most forcible passages illustrative of the various passions, affections and emotions of the human mind”, p.230
William Goldman (2013). “The Princess Bride”, p.11, A&C Black
George Herbert (1874). “The Complete Works of George Herbert: Prose”, p.367