The vocal cord will be eliminated by a process of evolution, as was the tail of man when he came from the ape.
There is much modern music that is better adapted to a wind combination than to a string, although for obvious reasons originally scored for an orchestra. If in such cases the interpretation is equal to the composition the balance of a wind combination is more satisfying.
Grand opera is the most powerful of stage appeals and that almost entirely through the beauty of music.
America can well expect to develop a goodly amount of composers for she has a goodly number of people.
No nation as young as America can be expected to become immediately a power in the arts.
Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius.
American teachers have one indisputable advantage over foreign ones; they understand the American temperament and can judge its unevenness, its lights and its shadows.
I had found English audiences highly satisfactory. They are the best listeners in the world. Perhaps the music-lovers of some of our larger cities equal the English, but I do not believe they can be surpassed in that respect.