Newt Gingrich never received more than 100,000 votes in his life. He'll never be president.
Newt Gingrich has a restless and outsized intelligence that is tragically unleavened by any kind of critical sensibility.
Let us now praise Barack Obama.
Is victory sweet because your side wins - or is it really because the other side loses?
I've worked as someone's deputy, and now it's time for me to run something. It's time for me to run my own shop.
I was wholeheartedly attracted to the conservative atmosphere that permeated the city of Washington.
I think making a pretense of civility toward Eric Alterman is like making a pretense of civility to a scorpion.
I don't feel alienated from American culture, but I understand people who do.
For Obama to save himself, he should be thinking about the example of an unlikely Republican predecessor: Richard Nixon.
Conservatives must avoid the siren song of schism, or all is lost.
By keeping most tax rates at present levels, Obama and the Democrats will claim that they have championed tax cuts for the middle class.
America may be in a dour condition, but it is not going to elect a dour president.
Memories of the last nine years have turned Ground Zero from a site of horror, to a reminder of grief, to an occasion for ludicrous artistic posturing - and now to something very close to parody.
Robots have a rich and storied history in movies.
She needs to seem tough, and whatever Hillary's weaknesses, tough is a pretty good word to describe her.
I look at 'The New York Review of Books.' It's what it has been for 35 or 40 years, which is a highly sophisticated vehicle for anti-American self-hatred.
Hurtling the Pentagon into an unprecedented budgetary meltdown is horrifically irresponsible. Obama doesn't care. This is war - not against the Taliban, but war against the GOP. He has Republicans on the ropes, and that's a victory he savors and desires - unlike Afghanistan, where he seems only to want to turn tail.
For the record, I am not an admitted homosexual, nor am I a homosexual, though I do know the lyrics to every show tune ever written, which might perhaps account for the confusion.
Electoral contests have nothing but polls, which is why people have grown so obsessed with them; we're desperate for an objective rendering of what is happening and what may happen.
Comedians and impressionists used to be two different showbiz animals entirely, but now there's no such thing as a comedian who doesn't do impressions.
Christopher Nolan's astounding third Batman feature, 'The Dark Knight Rises,' represents the true maturation of the superhero movie - and provides the key to understanding the bottomless craving moviegoers have for these films, 34 years after the Christopher Reeve Superman gave birth to the genre.
As a member of the Mormon church, Romney is instructed to tithe 10 percent of his income. That's in keeping with most charitable giving: Religious institutions get about one-third of all contributions, according to 'The American' magazine.
As a matter of policy, increasing taxes on the most economically productive group, which already generates 60 percent of the nation's federal revenues, during a sustained period of economic doldrums is a wretched idea.
All non-incumbent campaigns promise hope and change, but Obama took the promise to a new level of absurdity. He suggested that a vote for him would literally transform the Earth.
The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.