
Your Side Quotes

Everybody by your side ain't on your side

Twitter post from Sep 22, 2015

When you are trying to move mountains you want-and need-people on your side who want to move them with you.

"Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Q&A". Oprah Interview, April 21, 2010.

If you once turn on your side after the hour at which you ought to rise, it is all over. Bolt up at once.

Walter Scott (2015). “Sir Walter Scott: Collected Letters, Memoirs and Articles: Complete Autobiographical Writings, Journal & Notes, Accompanied with Extended Biographies and Reminiscences of the Author of Waverly, Rob Roy, Ivanhoe, The Pirate, Old Mortality, The Guy Mannering”, p.84, e-artnow

So we can simulate Richter-10 earthquakes. We simulate 70-foot waves coming into these things. Very cool. We basically say no human should ever be required to do anything, because if you judge by Chernobyl and Fukushima, the human element is not on your side.

"Bill Gates’ Plutonium Pipe Dream: Convert Mountains of Depleted Uranium at Paducah to Power Earth for Centuries". "EnviroNews DC News Bureau" with Josh Cunnings, March 14, 2016.