
Joseph McCarthy Quotes

While I cannot take the time to name all the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist Party and members of a spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205.

"'Communists in Government Service,' McCarthy Says". Joseph McCarthy's Lincoln's birthday address to the Women's Republican Club of Wheeling in West Virginia, February 9, 1950.

McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled.

Speech in Wisconsin, 1952, in Richard Rovere Senator Joe McCarthy (1973) p. 8

Any man who has been given the honor of being promoted to general and who says, "I will protect another general who protects Communists," is not fit to wear that uniform, general.

Remark to Gen. Ralph Zwicker during the Army investigations (18 February 1954), as quoted in "A Conspiracy So Immense" by David M. Oshinsky, 2005.