
Joseph Pilates Quotes - Page 2

True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed

True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

Concentrate on the correct movements each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all the vital benefits of their value.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

Never slouch as doing so compresses the lungs, overcrowds other vital organs, rounds the back, and throws you off balance.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

When all your muscles are properly developed, you will, as a matter of course, perform your work with minimum effort and maximum pleasure.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

Good posture can be successfully acquired only when the entire mechanism of the body is under perfect control.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

With body, mind, and spirit functioning perfectly as a coordinated whole, what else could reasonably be expected other than an active, alert, disciplined person?

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

Ideally, our muscles should obey our will. Reasonably, our will should not be dominated by the reflex actions of our muscles.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated

It is better to be tired from physical exertion than to be fatigued by the 'poisons' generated by nervousness while lying awake.

Joseph H. Pilates, William John Miller (1998). “Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology”, Presentation Dynamics Incorporated