
Joshua Radin Quotes

Love is everything. Without it, I have no use for this world.

Love is everything. Without it, I have no use for this world.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

We are meant to go through this life with a partner, someone who picks us up when we're down.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

Try to keep ourselves open, no matter how closed the world tries to make us sometimes.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

I know that positive energy begets positive energy. I know that when I decide to see the good in something or someone, it's returned to me tenfold.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, January 27, 2015.

We are all going through some sort of struggle, so I try to keep that in mind when someone makes me angry. I also know that being positive is a choice, and I try to make that choice every day.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, January 27, 2015.

Love is everything. Without it, I have no use for this world. When I'm not in love with someone, I feel empty and I can't think about anything but trying to find that someone.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Mranda Pleasant, January 27, 2015.

This life can be incredibly difficult, especially if we're alone.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

I want my songs to be heard by everyone. I want [everyone] to treat people with compassion. I want them to realize that we are all so similar, but we focus so much on our differences.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant, January 27, 2015.

I want my songs to be heard by everyone.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

I try to help other people get through difficult times in their own lives.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

I know that positive energy begets positive energy.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

If we can stay open and embrace our insecurities, our vulnerability, only then will we find the person with whom we are meant to travel through this life.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,

I try to exercise as much as possible and eat healthy. But most importantly, I try to make sure that I'm near people who inspire me to be a better person.

"Joshua Radin, Singer-Songwriter: So Much To Say, So Much To Love". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,