In a way, my father [Pablo Escobar] reached a certain degree of sincerity that I became to know and I would even say appreciate because I would have rather had my father treat me like this rather than as an idiot that would never have any idea about what was happening around us.
I am convinced that we all have the decision to act on a daily basis.
I can understand how people would despise my image and my father's persona. My father's image amongst the poorest of people, those forgotten by the state, still remains a respected image. Whether we like it or not, my father was an important figure who filled a vacuum left by the state amongst the lower social classes.
[Our family] love our father's image because the only thing we received from him was love and affection. We recognize that our father made incredible damage outside of the home but we ask for reciprocity because the only thing he ever gave us within the household was love.
I am a free man but only partially so relative to other people in society. Why do I say "partially free"? Because there is only one country in the world that denies me entrance because of who my father was and that is the United States.
[Pablo Escobar] always told me that the day he used the phone would be his last day, something I had very clear while I was talking to him.
My whole life I had seen my father solve every problem he had through the use of violence.
I am surprised that many people disregard the fact that the end for almost all drug dealers ends up being the cemetery or the jail cell, we do not know of any case where a drug dealer has "retired"
Sure, at that age [of 7] you may have seen movies with guns and crime but by then I also knew something strange was happening in my family because it all changed drastically after the killing of Rodrigo Lara.
No one prepares you at 7 years of age to have your father tell you he is a criminal - you are still a kid and you are thinking about playing and having fun, things that have little to do with reality. This forces you to grow and mature before due time.
It's very difficult to resort to hating [Pablo Escobar] when all he gave you his entire life was love and all the best he ever had.
When one is that powerful and one think life will last like that forever, it is simply the most ephemeral thing. I don't think these sons and daughters of drug dealers are contributing to a lasting peace nor to human values that add to our society. They're delivering the message of riches and power that comes at the cost of people's lives and health and they incentivize young people to follow this model.
I am not saying this to serve as a justification for the things [Pablo Escobar] did, but rather to demonstrate the context of his situation and the reason for his actions, for which only he is responsible for. I think it was very difficult for him to try to bring down the very criminal organization that he had created and by the time he wanted to stop, he was unable to.
I think it's a myth that one cannot leave any organization once you've entered one.
If I were paying to display images of my father [like Netflix does] in the United States, I am sure I would face legal sanctions and I would even be killed for doing it. And Netflix receives applause instead of criticism for it.
Of course, I think this is something that Netflix does much better. If you analyze the enormous amounts of effort and attention that has been given to my father's image due to Narcos, I am sure of one thing: if I did the same exact thing that Netflix does with my father's image, I would be killed, do not doubt it for a second.
I would argue with my father [Pablo Escobar] about his violent attitude and I would tell him to stop his violent ways and to think about peace as an alternative, especially given the many problems he was having. However, he would reply almost immediately by telling me "you are forgetting that the first bomb that exploded in Colombia was an attempt against you, your sister, and your mother - I did not invent narcoterrorism, narcoterrorism was first used against my family.
My whole life I saw how the violence my father created had come back to my family and I thought that I would only make things worse for my mother and my sister if I sought to avenge my father. I had to dare to take a path of peace.
I am not allowed to enter American territory simply because I was born the son of Pablo Escobar and apparently that implies that I inherit my father's crimes. Not that I want a visa now, I don't care anymore, I have been to the United States before.
I knew something was wrong that day, he made the mistakes [Pablo Escobar] had never committed throughout the last 10 years as the most wanted man in the world in one day. He never used the phone, he only did the day he was killed.
I would say, and as I have said before, the series [Narcos] does not demonstrate real happenings but rather events that the screenwriters, in their own taste, believe depict the way we lived.
It's important to learn from the past and people's experiences, not only from my father's [Pablo Escobar] as a drug dealer, but from others that have ended just the way he did.
It's a shame to see drug dealers enter and leave the United States as if nothing in addition to those that purchase weapons and firearms.
It was very difficult to go farther than that in the arguments with my father because he would always have a story or a justification to tell you, which I never considered valid because there is not an excuse for violence.
Regrettably, to deactivate an entire cartel also proved to be a difficult task for my father and with all the enemies he had, even more.