The pearl whose possession separates man from beast, the pearl which is the rarest find - the best among virtues - is forgiveness.
I wish I can enjoy no food but food for thought.
Optimism is the staunchest worshipper of life.
An atheist is as religious as a theist.
At the heart of my metaphysic there is the ultimate question and at the heart of the universe there is the ultimate questioner.
Nature, by its very nature, is very brutal and unequal. However, Man has somehow managed to transform the nature of its brutality and inequality.
The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox.
I am philosophical Christ; crucified on the cross of ignorance for the sake of divine vanity.
A fundamental condition of Being is slavery. Man is the slave of God, and God that of His vanity.
God may not be omnipotent, but he is omniactive.
The world is a philosophical prison and Man is the philosophical prisoner.
The world is solely occupied by a questioner and a philosopher.
Whenever God looks devilish, I see the philosopher fail.
Philosophy is the only excuse God has for his cruelty and vanity.
The blind cannot see the sun.
It is impossible to imagine existence void of any intelligence.
The existence of God is not logically necessary, and yet, on the basis of some profound peculiar empirical order in the universe, it seems that He exists as the ultimate uncreated Being, implying a paradox, as no logically unnecessary entity can be uncreated. This paradox is the ultimate question asked by God, who is nothing but the ultimate questioner.
The worst of all superstitions may be that astrology is a superstition.
For Man nothing is beyond doubt; for God everything is beyond doubt.
The physics of the 21st century shall deal essentially with non-spatial matter and non-spatial mechanics.
Truth may have been found but might never be known.