A true friend is someone who never gets tired listening to your pointless drama over and over again.
you never make the same mistake twice. the second time you make it, it is no longer a mistake. it is a choice
You can waste so much energy trying to make everyone happy, but at the end of the day it's impossible to please everyone, so you just need to focus on what makes you happy.
Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little bit of the spotlight.
I've never felt a push to be stick thin. I work out and eat healthy, so mostly it's about being in shape and having energy.
Every girl wants to be the one girl that can change that guy
Stay true to what you believe in and don't let people try to change that direction. Don't take no for an answer.
I think that it's really nice to learn that makeup is different for every person. Everyone has a different feature on their face that they like to show off.
Like everybody and trust no one.
As people grow up, they realize it's less important to have more friends and more important to have real ones.
I think if you're not willing to wear your own clothes, you're doing something wrong. If you're not wearing your own line, you're taking all the fun out of it.
There's always someone out there telling you your nose is too big or too small, or you're too fat or too thin, or they don't like your hair. In life, there's always going to be someone who doesn't like something about you, so you have to focus on what makes you happy about yourself. You're the only person you need to please.
If you truly love someone, then the only thing you want for them is to be happy....even if its not with you.
I do most of my shopping online. It's just convenient for me.
Life isn't an Island, you have to have other people in your life.
I think any opportunity you have to be green, whether it's in business or in everyday life, you should take it.
When you are looking to meet someone, you are looking to settle. Becaue you are not looking for someone, you are looking for anyone
I almost exclusively wear skinny jeans. I'm terrified of any other cut of denim.
Sometimes when you love people, you want to believe they're good.
Blogging is a great way to show your talents and interests to prospective employers, while adding an edge to your resume. If you blog consistently it shows your dedication, passions and creativity - all of which are key attributes employers look for in job candidates.
There's not a business or a master plan as far as I'm concerned. I take it week by week, and I don't think you ever expect to be able to do the next thing.
There is never just one thing that leads to success for anyone. I feel it always a combination of passion, dedication, hard work, and being in the right place at the right time.
Look at me. Home boy wore combat boots to the beach. I know you don’t want to call that your boyfriend, I know you don’t.
I don't stage my own publicity.
I don't think it's about trusting people, it's about knowing who to trust.