I reserve the right to evolve. What I think and feel today is subject to revision tomorrow.
History remembers only the celebrated, genealogy remembers them all.
Recognizing your own ignorance is the first step toward wisdom.
Expect nothing and accept everything and you will never be disappointed.
Live with an open mind and an open heart. Always choose love over fear and kindness over cruelty.
Apathy is the slow poison coursing through the body politic that paves the way to tyranny.
War, hatred, and violence all spring from one infernal idea: that one person, race, creed, or culture is better than another.
Over the course of the millennia, all these ancestors in your tree, generation upon generation, have come down to this moment in time-to give birth to you. There has never been, nor will ever be, another like you. You have been given a tremendous responsibility. You carry the hopes and dreams of all those who have gone before. Hopes and dreams for a better world. What will you do with your time on this Earth? How will you contribute to the ongoing story of humankind?
There is no nobler profession, nor no greater calling, than to be among those unheralded many who gave and give their lives to the preservation of human knowledge, passed with commitment and care from one generation to the next.
Dead people are easy to love. It's the living ones who are hard.
There is no such thing as failure for an artist, unless failure is the refusal to attempt, the unwillingness to dream.
We are the last generation with a real opportunity to save the world.
When you look at a person who's different and see Yourself, then you begin to understand who and what God really is.
The people who change the world never lose hope no matter how bleak the outcome might appear to be.
You can't really appreciate a work of art until you can understand how difficult it was to create. And that's probably true of any work of art - a rock, a tree, a bird, a fish, a sunrise made of light and air.
There is no such thing as an insignificant life, only the insignificance of mind that refuses to grasp the implications.
To listen to the silence is to hear the heartbeat of the Universe.
Americans think anything you do not get paid for is not worth doing. As a consequence, the things that don't get done are often the most worthwhile.
From generation to generation, lights are extinguished and darkness threatens until some one stoops to bear the torch.
Real life is never quite as interesting as the story told afterward.
Orwell couldn't see that Big Brother would not be The State, but The Corporation.
If God spent 180 million years making dinosaurs, what makes us think Man is so special, a tick of the clock before midnight?
Only love and courage will make this world a safer place. Hatred and fear will make it more dangerous.
Anyone who doesn't love animals has a serious hole in the heart.
The future is won or lost in the war of ideas.