
Lincoln Chafee Quotes

Trust is built with consistency.

Trust is built with consistency.

Lincoln Chafee (2010). “Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President”, p.201, Macmillan

Anger's not a good emotion.

"Q&A: Lincoln Chafee". Mother Jones Interview, September, 2008.

In the executive branch, winning by a whisker is as good as winning in a landslide, but not so in the Senate.

Lincoln Chafee (2010). “Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President”, p.2, Macmillan

Here is a bold embrace of internationalism. Let's join the rest of the world and go metric.

"Does Rick Perry deserve a second look from voters?". "The Five" with Eric Bolling, June 4, 2015.

Any political historian can give innumerable examples of one percenters who have gone on to success, maybe even Bill Clinton himself?

"As Democrats' 2016 dark horse, Chafee separates himself by taking on Hillary" by Dan Merica, April 24, 2015.

I remember my Republican Party as fiscally conservative, as caring about the environment.

"Q&A: Lincoln Chafee". Mother Jones Interview, September/October, 2008.

The lack of fiscal responsibility is one of the main reasons I finally left my old Party.

Lincoln Chafee's speech at the Democratic National Convention, September 5, 2012.

I was born in 1953, so that's the Eisenhower administration.

"Q&A: Lincoln Chafee". Mother Jones Interview, September/October, 2008.

A strong, educated middle class is what made America the greatest country in the world.

"Lincoln Chafee DNC speech". September 5, 2012.

I had supported Governor George W. Bush over Senator John McCain in the 2000 Rhode Island presidential primary.

Lincoln Chafee (2010). “Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President”, p.9, Macmillan

America stood at the summit of power, emerging from the Cold War as an economic, cultural and military force without equal.

Lincoln Chafee (2010). “Against the Tide: How a Compliant Congress Empowered a Reckless President”, p.9, Macmillan