Louise Imogen Guiney Quotes
Children are born optimists and we slowly educate them out of their heresy
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1909). “Happy Endings: The Collected Lyrics of Louise Imogen Guiney”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1897). “Patrins, to which is added An inquirendo into the wit & other good parts of His late Majesty King Charles the Second”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1926). “Letters of Louise Imogen Guiney”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1926). “Letters of Louise Imogen Guiney”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1900). “The Martyrs' Idyl and Shorter Poems”
Family traits, like murder, will out. Nature has but so many molds.
Louise Imogen Guiney (1885). “Goose-quill Papers”
Louise Imogen Guiney (1897). “Patrins, to which is added An inquirendo into the wit & other good parts of His late Majesty King Charles the Second”