Mac Miller Quotes
Enjoy the best things in your life cuz you ain’t gonna get to live it twice.
Song: Senior Skip Day, Album: K.I.D.S.
Song: Desperado, Album: Macadelic, 2012
You could have the world in the palm of your hand, but it don't mean a thing 'til you change it.
Song: Under The Weather, Album: Blue Slide Park
Song: She Said, Album: Best Day Ever, 2011
Song: Just A Kid, Album: I Love Life, Thank You -Mixtape
People love you when they on your mind/A thought is love's currency.
Song: Objects in the Mirror, Album: Watching Movies With The Sound Off, 2013
Song: Senior Skip Day, Album: K.I.D.S., 2010
I never thought life would be this sweet, It got me cheesing from cheek to cheek.
Song: Best Day Ever, Album: Best Day Ever
Song: I'll Be There, 2011
Music is what I love, take that away from me and I really got nothing.
Song: Kickin Incredibly Dope Shit Intro, Album: K.I.D.S.