
Machado de Assis Quotes

We kill time; time buries us.

We kill time; time buries us.

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1998). “The Posthumous Memoirs of Br?s Cubas”, p.165, Oxford University Press

A life without fighting is a dead sea in the universal organism.

Machado de Assis, Gregory Rabassa (1998). “The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas: A Novel”, p.185, Oxford University Press, USA

There is nothing in the world so monstrously vast as our indifference.

Machado de Assis (1952). “Epitaph of a Small Winner”

Tomorrow's sun is on it's way - a relentless sun, inscrutable like life.

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (2010). “The Devil's Church and Other Stories”, p.77, University of Texas Press

There is nothing worse than giving the longest of legs to the smallest of ideas.

Machado de Assis (1994). “Dom Casmurro”, Penguin Classics

Out of the sighs of one generation are kneaded the hopes of the next.

Machado de Assis (1963). “The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories”, p.113, Univ of California Press

Por que bonita, se coxa? Por que coxa, se bonita?

Machado de Assis (1998). “Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas”, p.127, Atelie Editorial

Some actions are even baser than the people who commit them.

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (2010). “The Devil's Church and Other Stories”, p.40, University of Texas Press

A vida sem luta é um mar morto no centro do organismo universal.

Machado de Assis “Romances de Machado de Assis - Obras Completas [Ilustrado, Notas, Biografia com Análises e Críticas, Resumos e Estudos de Cada Obra] - Dom Casmurro, Brás Cubas, Quincas Borba e outros - Vol. I: Romance”, LL Library

Dreams disdain fine lines and finishing touches on landscapes – they content themselves with thick but representative brushstrokes.

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (2010). “The Devil's Church and Other Stories”, p.13, University of Texas Press