Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 124
Himsa does not need to be taught, Man as animal is violent, but as spirit is nonviolent.
Prayer can come in only when fasting has done its work. It can make fasting easy and bearable.
Prayer is either petitional or, in its wider sense, inward communion.
Prayer is no mere exercise of words or of the ears, it is no mere repetition of empty formula.
Prayer is the only means of bringing about orderliness and peace and repose in our daily acts.
A prayerful study and experience are essential for a correct interpretation of the scriptures.
Virtue lies in being absorbed in one's prayers in the presence of din and noise.
The meaning of prayer is that I want to evoke that Divinity within me.
A man of prayer regards what are known as physical calamities as divine chastisement.
Close the day with prayer so that you may have a peaceful night free from dreams and nightmares.
A complete fast is a complete and literal denial of self. It is the truest prayer.