Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 122

The voice of the people may be said to be God's voice, the voice of the Panchayat.
Means to be means must always be within our reach, and so ahimsa is our supreme duty.
If we all discharge our duties, rights will not be far to seek.
He who is ever brooding over result often loses nerve in the performance of his duty.
No people have risen who thought only of rights. Only those did so who thought of duties.
No displeasure, even of the dearest friends, can put me off the duty I see clearly in front of me.
Education in the understanding of citizenship is a short-term affair if we are honest and earnest.
Real education has to draw out the best from the boys and girls to be educated.
I have no other wish in this world but to find light and joy and peace through Hinduism.
All my actions have their rise in my inalienable love of mankind.