Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 21

A man's true wealth hereafter is the good he has done to his fellowmen.
Mahatma Gandhi (1983). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.120, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1924). “Young India: 1919-1922”
The Bhagavadgita is a gospel of non-co-operation between the forces of darkness and those of light.
Mahatma Gandhi (1947). “Gita: The Mother”, Lahore, India : Indian Printing Works
Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral.
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.53, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi, General Press (2014). “My Experiments with Truth: An Autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.760, GENERAL PRESS
Mahatma Gandhi (1968). “The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi: Satyagraha in South Africa”
Mahatma Gandhi (1968). “The Selected Works of Mahatma Gandhi: The voice of truth”
I believe that there is no prayer without fasting, and there is no real fast without prayer.
Mahatma Gandhi (1951). “Satyagraha: Non-violent Resistance”
"The Life of Mahatma Gandhi". Book by Louis Fischer, 1950.
Mahatma Gandhi (1950). “Hindu Dharma”
Mahatma Gandhi (1970). “Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”
'Non-Violence in Peace and War' (1949) vol. 2, ch. 5
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “Collected Works”
Woman is more fitted than man to make explorations and take bolder action in ahimsa.
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.299, Rajpal & Sons
I do not regard killing or assassination or terrorism as good in any circumstances whatsoever.
Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, V. Geetha (2004). “Soul Force: Gandhi's Writings on Peace”, p.208, Tara Publishing
Mahatma Gandhi, Dennis Dalton (1996). “Gandhi: Selected Political Writings”, p.77, Hackett Publishing
Mahatma Gandhi (1925). “Young India”
Mahatma Gandhi (1963). “Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi”
Mahatma Gandhi (2005). “All Men Are Brothers”, p.54, A&C Black
Imperialism is a negation of God. It does ungodly acts in the name of God.
Mahatma Gandhi (1949). “Communal Unity”
Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.122, Rajpal & Sons
Mahatma Gandhi (2011). “The Way to God: Selected Writings from Mahatma Gandhi”, p.55, North Atlantic Books