
Exploration Quotes

If we define Futurism as an exploration beyond accepted limits, then the nature of limiting systems becomes the first object of exploration.

"Doll Factory, Gun Factory" in "he Maker of Dune: Insights of a Master of Science Fiction" edited by Tim O'Reilly, 1987.

Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised.

Apsley Cherry-Garrard (1937). “The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910-1913”, p.5, Library of Alexandria

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.

"The Myth Maker". Interview with Bruce Weber, October 20, 1985.

To be a true explorer is to carry on your exploration even if it takes you to a place you didn't particularly plan to go to.

Lynne McTaggart (2012). “The Field Updated Ed: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe”, p.13, Harper Collins

Woman is more fitted than man to make explorations and take bolder action in ahimsa.

Mahatma Gandhi (1967). “The Mind of Mahatma Gandhi”, p.299, Rajpal & Sons

Every exploration is an appropriation.

Roland Barthes (1997). “The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies”, p.14, Univ of California Press

Going into the unknown is invariably frightening, but we learn what is significantly new only through adventures.

M. Scott Peck (2010). “The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace”, p.107, Simon and Schuster

Pioneering don't pay.

Andrew Carnegie (1992). “The Andrew Carnegie reader”, Univ of Pittsburgh Pr

Science is not a collection of truths. It is a continuing exploration of mysteries.

"How We Know". Freeman Dyson's review of James Gleick's book "The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood" (2011), March 10, 2011.