Mahatma Gandhi Quotes - Page 75

It is possible to reason out the existence of God to a limited extent.
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.27, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1983). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.53, Courier Corporation
A living faith in God means acceptance of the brotherhood of mankind.
Mahatma Gandhi (1947). “Gandhigrams”
Man can only conceive God within the limitation of his own mind.
Mahatma Gandhi (1958). “Light of India: The Message of the Mahatma”
Mahatma Gandhi (1986). “The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Civilization, Politics and Religion”, Clarendon Press
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1986). “The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: Non-Violent Resistance and Social Transformation”, Clarendon Press
The idol in the temple is not God. But since God resides in every atom, He resides in that idol too.
Mahatma Gandhi (1994). “The Gandhi Reader: A Sourcebook of His Life and Writings”, p.342, Grove Press
Mahatma Gandhi (2011). “The Way to God: Selected Writings from Mahatma Gandhi”, p.10, North Atlantic Books
Mahatma Gandhi (1965). “Glorious Thoughts of Gandhi: Being a Treasury of about Ten Thousand Valuable and Inspiring Thougths of Mahatma Gandhi, Classified Under Four Hundred Subjects”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Homer A. Jack (2005). “The Wit and Wisdom of Gandhi”, p.29, Courier Corporation
Mahatma Gandhi (1976). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi, Anand T. Hingorani, Ganga Anand Hingorani (1985). “The Encyclopaedia of Gandhian Thoughts”
The sky may be overcast today with clouds, but a fervent prayer to God is enough to dispel them.
Mahatma Gandhi (1975). “Collected Works”
Mahatma Gandhi (1962). “All Religions are True”
Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, V. Geetha (2004). “Soul Force: Gandhi's Writings on Peace”, p.221, Tara Publishing
Mahatma Gandhi (1978). “Hindu Dharma”, p.107, Orient Paperbacks
When we fear God, then we shall fear no man, however high-placed he may be.
Mahatma Gandhi (1994). “The Gandhi Reader: A Sourcebook of His Life and Writings”, p.142, Grove Press
Who is there in the world who can insult the God in the image?
Gandhi (Mahatma) (1958). “Collected works”
Mahatma Gandhi, Mohandas Gandhi, Ronald Duncan (2005). “Gandhi: Selected Writings”, p.204, Courier Corporation
Without an unreserved surrender to His grace, complete mastery over thoughts is impossible.
Mahatma Gandhi (1948). “Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth”, p.282, Courier Corporation
You are not going to know the meaning of God or prayer unless you reduce yourself to a cipher.
Mahatma Gandhi (2011). “The Way to God: Selected Writings from Mahatma Gandhi”, p.45, North Atlantic Books