Mahatma Gandhi Quotes about Religion - Page 3
There are innumerable definitions of God because his manifestations are innumerable.
A religion cannot be sustained by the number of its lip-followers denying in their lives its tenets.
Purest religion is highest expediency. Many things are lawful but they are not all expedient.
Religion is no test of nationality, but a personal matter between man and his God.
The highest fulfillment of religion requires a giving up of all possessions.
It is not part of religion to breed buffaloes or, for that matter, cows.
I believe that religious education must be the sole concern of religious associations.
I desire no honour if I have to conceal my religious beliefs in order to have it.
It was through the Hindu religion that I learnt to respect Christianity and Islam.
True religion being the greatest thing in life and in the world, has been exploited the most.