
Mahmoud Darwish Quotes - Page 2

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I have learned and dismantled all the words in order to draw from them a single word: Home.

I have learned and dismantled all the words in order to draw from them a single word: Home.

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, it was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.7, Univ of California Press

Where can I free myself of the homeland in my body?

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, It Was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.15, Univ of California Press

One day, I will be a poet. Water will depend on my visions.

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, It Was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.120, Univ of California Press

The stars had only one task: they taught me how to read. They taught me I had a language in heaven and another language on earth.

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, It Was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.85, Univ of California Press

I love women whose hidden desires make horses put an end to their lives at the threshold

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, It Was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.5, Univ of California Press

Palestinian people are in love with life.

"Why You Should Read Mahmoud Darwish" by John Lundberg, September 24, 2008.

The poem is in my hands, and can run stories through her hands.

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Unfortunately, It Was Paradise: Selected Poems”, p.86, Univ of California Press

Nothing, nothing justifies terrorism.

"The poetry of loss" by Richard Silverstein, August 14, 2008.

I want to find a language that transforms language itself into steel for the spirit--a language to use against these sparkling insects, these jets.

Mahmoud Darwish (2013). “Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982”, p.33, Univ of California Press