The way to have the life we want is to receive more deeply the life we have. Sometimes we keep our own life at arm's length, thinking we'll wait until circumstances improve before giving it all we've got. But life is just a reflection of consciousness, so it's never going to give any more to us than we give to it. Don't wait for a perfect life; breathe in the life that's already perfect.
Today is a day for sober and mature reflection, not glee. Mindless celebration is both spiritually inappropriate and politically naive.
Every thought creates form on some level and all that our physical experience is - is a reflection of our thoughts.
All manifestation of fear is a reflection of the fact that humanity has forgotten its spiritual identity. In beginning to remember it, we put fear on notice that its days are numbered.
From a pure metaphysical perspective, there is no world outside ourselves. So, at the deepest level, the state of the planet is more a reflection of the consciousness of mankind than the consciousness of mankind is a reflection of world events.
The pain itself is a product or a reflection of how I am interpreting whatever it is that is causing me pain.