The meaningful question is never what we did yesterday, but what we have learned from it and are doing today.
What is happening today is that there are millions of children who are not lifted up to the first rung of the ladder. Then they are condemned when they don't know how to climb from there.
When you carry yesterday's thinking into today, you program tomorrow to be like yesterday.
Today is a day for sober and mature reflection, not glee. Mindless celebration is both spiritually inappropriate and politically naive.
The level of violence on the planet today is no longer sustainable.
The voices of fear are so loud today. The voices of love should never shout, but neither should they whisper - not at a time like this.
I don't like the tendency on the part of so many people today to think that those who don't agree with them are bad. In fact, I find that very dangerous.
I don't think that anything that anyone is doing today that is being pointed at as the "enemy" or "the problem" is as dangerous to our future as the fact that there are so many pointed fingers. The pointed finger is the enemy.