
Marietta Holley Quotes

It is enough to make anybody's blood bile in thier vains to think how different sin is looked upon in a man and woman. I say sin is sin, and you can't make goodness out of it by parsin' it in the masculine gender, no more'n you can by parsin' it in the feminine or neutral.

Marietta Holley (1875). “My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's: Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, But which May be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, Without Injury to Themselves Or the Book”, p.113

I love to see folks use reason if they have got any.

Marietta Holley (1875). “My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's: Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, But which May be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, Without Injury to Themselves Or the Book”, p.86

you can't set down and stand up at the same time, each situation has its advantages, but you can't be in both places at once ... it can't be did.

Marietta Holley (1875). “My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's: Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, But which May be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, Without Injury to Themselves Or the Book”, p.197

Why, to hear Betsy Bobbet talk about wimmin's throwin' their modesty away, you would think if they ever went to the political pole, they would have to take their dignity and modesty and throw 'em against the pole, and go without any all the rest of their lives.

Marietta Holley (1875). “My Opinions and Betsy Bobbet's: Designed as a Beacon Light, to Guide Women to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, But which May be Read by Members of the Sterner Sect, Without Injury to Themselves Or the Book”, p.28