
Martin Luther Quotes - Page 18

False preachers are worse than deflowerers of virgins.

Martin Luther (1892). “Selections from the Table Talk of Martin Luther”

I pray that God would open the mouth in me and the heart in you and that he would be the teacher in the midst of us who may in us speak and hear.

Martin Luther (1823). “Martin Luther on the Bondage of the Will: Written in Answer to the Diatribe of Erasmus on Free-will. First Pub. in the Year of Our Lord 1525”, p.5

Christ desires nothing more of us than that we speak of him.

Martin Luther, Alexander Chalmers (1857). “The Table Talk of Martin Luther”, p.97

The Holy Ghost has called me by the gospel and illuminated me with his gifts and sanctified and preserved me in the true faith.

Martin Luther (1896). “Luther's primary works: together with his shorter and larger catechisms”

A mighty fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing: our helper He amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing.

Martin Luther (1931). “Early Protestant Educators: The Educational Writings of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Other Leaders of Protestant Thought”, Ams PressInc