Truth usually stammers at first.
We sometimes find truth, but more often it finds us.
Life is used up all the same, whether we save, spend, or waste it.
What I eat turns into my body. What I read turns into my mind.
Paradise endangered: garden snakes and mice are appearing in the shadowy corners of Dutch Old Master paintings.
Only the strong and the hopeful are able to revolt.
King Kong, Count Dracula, and the Phantom of the Opera are just looking for love, like the rest of us.
I am invigorated by work, wasted by pleasure.
Nothing easier than to confuse busyness with goodness.
Work at first rescues us, then ravages us.
The smile of a politician is strong and friendly, but noncommittal.
Wit puts politicians at risk.
The muse is blind as Cupid and skittish as Diana.
Make the expectations lively enough, and action will follow.
Do as you like--if you know what it is.
Confess to the misdeeds you cannot hide.
Self-blame usually has an undertone of self-congratulation.
To postpone unpleasantness is human; to forget it is divine.
God improvises. Man systematizes.
Hope and despair ignore one another's cries.
The modernist writers found despair inspirational.
Expenditure now attracts fame as conquest once did.
The perfect pleasure: money is neither fattening nor immoral nor illegal.
The egg is the symbol of perfection. Do you want an egg?
Travelling, I worry about luggage, prices, and strange food. At home, I am free to broaden my mind by thinking about the higher things.