Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.
Inconsistency has been overpraised by people who do not expect to suffer from it.
Symbolism erects a facade of respectability to hide the indecency of dreams.
Always clamping down on excitement is not self-control but fear.
Funerals prove that someone is really gone.
As children, our protests availed little. As adults, the same.
I put second things first, and then worry about first things.
The Ordinary Life: the misery seems planned, the happiness accidental.
Worried about being a dull fellow? You might develop your talent for being irritating.
The passions are the same in every conflict, large or small.
Self-hatred and self-love are equally self-centered.
Don't stare into a mirror when you are trying to solve a problem.
My thought has been shaped by books; my desires by pictures.
If we think about the obvious long enough, it dissolves.
In bridge clubs and in councils of state, the passions are the same.
I did not know I was in my prime until afterwards.
I read less and less. I have not forgiven books for their failure to tell me the truth and make me happy.
Laughing at our friends, we avenge the disappointment they have caused.
Self-deception is nature; hypocrisy is art.
I win on my merits; my opponents win by cheating.
A frog in love would not be enchanted to learn that her beloved had turned into Prince Charming.
Courage, determination, and hard work are all very nice, but not so nice as an oil well in the back yard.
The wisdom of age: don't stop walking.
The hysterical find too much significance in things. The depressed find too little.
I cling to depression, thinking it a form of truth.