Avant-garde art jousts with propriety, but takes care never to unseat it.
Modernism: the books are as hard to understand as life itself.
Alzheimer's usually comes later than AIDS, but I decline to call that progress.
If you are going to be rude, be quick about it.
Supermarkets depict abundance; boutiques exclusiveness; roadside stands authenticity.
Change is upsetting. Repetition is tedious. Three cheers for variation!
A sense of righteousness is even more dangerous than a violent temper.
The self-righteous feel no need to be charming, and thus double their offensiveness.
I obey my own commands about as often as others do.
Consensus is usually made possible by vague language and shallow commitments.
Grandiosity lessens as work proceeds.
Position yourself well enough, and circumstances will do the rest.
Robert Frost: plain, strong, simple, and mean.
Smiling half-reluctance seems to promise more than the frankest gesture of desire.
All the powers of imagination combine in hypochondria.
Suspense combines curiosity with fear and pulls them up a rising slope.
Every doctrine has a theory of the beginning.
After an argument, silence may mean acceptance or the continuation of resistance by other means.
'Be faithful to your roots' is the liberal version of 'Stay in your ghetto.'
For many, immaturity is an ideal, not a defect.
Office politics are bloody-minded, but weak on content.
In the game of love, the losers are more celebrated than the winners.
Innocence: I am only stepping on your face because it lies in my path.
If you are going to break a Law of Art, make the crime interesting.
Rage is exciting, but leaves me confused and exhausted.