Studying the past may suggest new ways of going wrong.
The power of the past does not depend on our knowledge of it.
As soon as I hear of a right, I want it.
Regretting the past does not prevent me from repeating it.
Genius knows where the questions are hidden.
Don't tell me it's raining when you're peeing on me!
Awakening in the morning returns us to life, and to awareness of death.
Life just keeps unfolding, ignoring our praise or blame.
Full of troubles, the mind is still the only Garden of Delight.
If I had found the words I was looking for, I would not have read so much.
People are not the way they are primarily in order to annoy me.
Finding a thought for an aphorism is not hard. Putting a kink in its tail is the hard part.
Aphorisms have never seduced anybody, but they have fooled some into considering themselves worldly-wise.
If I want my time wasted, I'll waste it myself.
Health foods make promises that only the Second Coming could fulfill.
As I review my life, I feel I must have missed the point, either then or now.
A sure cure for boredom: fast until you are ravenous.
One eventually has enough even of oneself.
Living too long exacts a painful price.
Dieting is our last tie with asceticism.
People who behave at forty as they did at twenty must sometimes wonder why their charm is not working.
The Simple Life is not a simple life.
Illusions are hazardous, and so are disillusions.
Alcohol postpones anxiety, then multiplies it.
Everyone fears and courts his own demon.