Stated clearly enough, an idea may cancel itself out.
The sage belongs to the same obsolete repertory as the virtuous maiden and the enlightened monarch.
Unlike the actual, the fictional explains itself.
Who would not give up wit for power and beauty?
When a man bores a woman, she complains. When a woman bores a man, he ignores her.
Fail, and your friends feel superior. Succeed, and they feel resentful.
Folly always knows the answer.
Mind and body obstruct one another's pleasures.
In psychoanalysis, only the fee is exactly what it seems to be.
Hatred observes with more care than love does.
Some loves are like a vice that has ceased to give pleasure.
The only peace is being out of earshot.
While there's life, there's fear.
Sloth, not ill-will, makes me unjust.
To be successful be ahead of your time, but only a little.
Most reputations are not ruined but forgotten.
Outside literature, high-flown sentiments are merely exasperating.
Literature gives us a memory of lives we did not lead.
Let's have some good, old-fashioned literature, with a virgin and a moral.
The desire to create literature leads to frights, grunts, and coy looks.
Literature may be false, but it is not trivial.
Humor does not rescue us from unhappiness, but enables us to move back from it a little.
Even the most fickle are faithful to a few bad habits.
Rescue someone unwilling to look after himself, and he will cling to you like a dangerous illness.
The higher the moral tone, the more suspect the speaker.