Take a vow for a life of service to others.
We give physical exercise to the body, but neglect the heart. The exercise for the heart is uplifting the destitute and the suffering.
When one has truly imbibed spiritual qualities, they will spontaneously be reflected in one's thoughts and actions.
Today, society is sacrificing love, values and dharma in its pursuit of materialistic gains.
The factor stringing together individuals, society and nature is missing from today's educational system. That factor is spiritual values.
Today, our air, food, water-all are polluted. If we do not stop exploiting nature for our temporary selfish gains, we will destroy the world.
Spirituality, as expounded by the great saints and sages of the past, is a very broad path. It accommodates all types of belief systems. You need to satisfy everyone.
What makes Amma happy, is to see her children helping others to feel happy.
Too much reasoning has spoiled the contemporary mind. People have lost their hearts and faith.
Whatever is associated with the mind is bound to change. The truth is that which is changeless. It is the Self.
Love and spiritual values received from parents are the strongest assets for a child to face the various trials of adulthood.
In this age of selfishness, selfless service is the only soap that truly purifies.
As you perform good actions selflessly, true love will blossom, which will purify our emotional mind.
It's like pouring oil from one glass to another down a line - in the end, you don't have any oil left; it is all stuck to the inside of the glasses. This way, 1,000 dollars become 100 dollars by the time it reaches the people. Whereas if we get 10 dollars, we add our effort to it and the money multiplies.
Education for livelihood alone will never make our life full and complete.
Loving words and deeds are the best alms.
The real mistake humans have committed lays in the inability to differentiate between requirements and luxuries.
Don't go empty handed when going to a temple or to see a spiritual master. Offer something as a symbol of surrender, even if it be a mere flower.
Faith in a higher power helps us to control our mind and thoughts.
In God's vision, no inside or outside exists. Still, in the beginning, Mother is asking all to meditate on Him in the heart, in order to achieve concentration.
Children, we should visit homes of the poor, orphanages and hospitals from time to time. We should take our family members along and offer assistance and look after the welfare of inmates. A word spoken with love and concern will give them more comfort than any amount of money. That will lead to the expansion of our hearts as well.
It is man who, through his thoughts and actions, creates turmoil and disintegration in the natural, harmonious unity of the world.
We human beings are born in ego, live in ego, are brought up in ego and will die in ego. We need a certain degree 0f vision when we live in this world for achieving and attaining our goals in life.
The heart sends blood to every cell of the body, and in this way the cells are nourished. The same blood then flows back to the heart. If the flow is obstructed, the person will die. We need to learn this process of give and take from the heart. For the benefit of others, and also for ourselves, we should have the attitude of caring and sharing. We are all links in the chain of life. If one link is weakened, it will affect the strength of the whole chain.
Parents need to nourish spiritual values in their children from a very young age.