Sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage
If you can't help people, then what is the point of being successful?
I think what's important for kids to know is that your decisions here on earth matter, your behavior matters and how you treat other people matters.
It's just better to be yourself than to try to be some version of what you think the other person wants.
All you have in the end is to look back and like the choices you've made.
Some people just see the glory and they don't want to know about the story.
It's better to be a fake somebody than a real nobody.
If you work at something, you get better at it.
Paranoid is what people who are trying to take advantage call you in an effort to get you to drop your guard.
Please find out what you can do to make a difference. Take five minutes to educate yourself on an issue you didn't know about before. Then tell somebody else.
You will never solve poverty without solving water and sanitation.
Liberty is a soul’s right to breathe.
History is change happening one person at a time.
We're here for such a short time. When your great-great-grandkids study history, don't you want them to be proud that you were part of the solution?
Our problem is civil obedience
Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you ARE the sucker.
Eventually stardom is going to go away from me. It goes away from everybody and all you have in the end is to be able to look back and like the choices you made.
As a struggling actor, youre not looking for parts that define you; youre just looking for work.
I never wanted to do the same kind of movies over and over anyway, so my theory on it all is I'm just gonna try and dodge the label and keep doing what I am doing.
I’ll play Pretty Pretty Princess with you if you just let me watch a little bit of March Madness.
I grew up in and the teachers. I think I was very lucky. I think I had a lot of social capital, and so when I found myself in this position of influence, I just - then I started to engage a bit with some of the problems in the world and realize that I could actually have an impact.
If we listen to the better angels of our nature, there are creative and good solutions to serious problems.
If I had a bucket list, I'd say raising my four girls to be strong, good women would be No. 1.
Some people get into this business and they're so afraid to lose anything. They try to protect their position like clinging to a beachhead. These Actor s end up making really safe choices. I never wanted to go that route. If I go down, I'm going down swinging. I know that's the way Heath Ledger feels and Ben Affleck feels the same way, too. We want to take the big swings.
I can't think of any more important value to instill in our children than the desire to help others. I feel strongly about setting an example for them. Real problems can be solved by the next generation if we instill in them the right values.