
Max Landis Quotes

You usually find me writing what I like to think of as intelligent summer action and genre films.

You usually find me writing what I like to think of as intelligent summer action and genre films.

"Chronicle's Max Landis Casts Up-and-Coming Trio in Directorial Debut 'Me Him Her' (Exclusive)" by Jeff Sneider, July 12, 2013.

Put the hero back in the super hero movies, because I think 'super' might have taken over.

"Watch: Max Landis Criticizes Carnage In ‘Man Of Steel,’ Compares Movie To ‘Transformers 3’ & ‘Avengers’" by Kevin Jagernauth, June 25, 2013.

I am, at the end of the day, a guy who loves story.

"Screenwriter Max Landis Talks His Daniel Radcliffe-fronted Take on FRANKENSTEIN; Describes It As 'Fun, Sad, Scary, and Moving'" by Adam Chitwood, March 1, 2013.