We are living in the World of Snails! Man is extremely slow! Whoever has a limited life, he has no right to be slow! Things must be done quickly! Slowness belongs to the immortals!
We can't live life perfectly fully, because we sleep eight hours a day! We can live life only partly fully!
We find life in art and we find art in life!
When you are on the bright side of life, do not forget the people who are on the dark side and remember that man can easily slip from one side to the other!
When your mind is besieged by some inauspicious thoughts, you can bring the sunshine into your life by staying calm!
Whenever we touch someone's life, we leave a trace over there. Always leave good traces so that you can walk in the streets freely!
Woody Allen once said that 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.' This is certainly a very wise wish! Whoever grasped the triviality of anything besides the existence is a wise man indeed! There is no substitute for life!
You can always meet stupid people in your life journey; you should treat them like the way candle treats darkness: Illuminate them!
You can't fix everything in life; you must leave some things unfixed to move forward! Do not feel bad about this, because you have no time to fix everything! Leave the unfixed there and move forward!
You may spend fifty or eighty years of your life believing in something totally false, and this is what happens to most people!
You want a better life? Simplify your life! Throw all the complexities from your life!
A great idea can change the world; but to change the universe, men need even much greater ideas!
A good quotation is a very strong wind; it can change a man's direction!
Evolution created a violent order where beings eat other beings. Till we change this order and create a harmony between all beings, there shall be no real peace on Earth.
Human mind can grasp everything in the universe; but it cannot change everything!
The war against the war is the only war that shall give you a great honour and a real peace!
Those that despise peace and admire war are crushed under the boots of the war!
Till the sun of knowledge shines on the ignorant masses and till all the men start hating violence, the world shall find no peace!
To be a dwarf in peace is more honourable than to be a giant in war!
Unless you have a very good reason, never wake up anybody or anything! Let the sleeper sleep in peace.
What you care about is what makes who you are! If you care about peace, this makes you a man!
Wherever there is peace lacking, try to create it and put it there!
World's most beautiful road is the road to peace!
He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!
Bird leaves the land to enjoy the freedom; man leaves his thoughts to enjoy the silence. Meditation is man's flying to the land of silence.