In hard times, gold is a good friend and good friend is gold!
Are you looking for gold, friend? Look around you; anything useful to you is pure gold, pure silver!
Walk ten meters, you will find the lust; walk thousand miles, you may find the love! Soil is everywhere; but gold is somewhere!
In autumn, don't go to jewellers to see gold; go to the parks!
A stomach without bread and a purse without gold have led to so many revolutions in history.
Cheerful poor is rich with a smile, sulky rich is poor with a bullion of gold.
Truths are immortal, my dear friend; they are immortal like God! What we call a falsity is like a fruit; it has a certain number of days; it is bound to decay. Whereas, what we call truth is like gold; days, months, even centuries can hide gold, can overlook it but they can never make it decay.
If there was a little shine of gold on the moon, the mankind would have been to the moon even in the 19th century!
Literature is a mountain made of gold in this poor world!
In the Land of Romance, cheap candles are more valuable than ingots of gold.