When summer is over, winter becomes sad too, because opposites often admire each other secretly!
When the autumn meets the tranquillity, there you can see the King of the Sceneries!
When the beauties come together, there emerges a super beauty!
When the enemy is awake and around, don't ever shut your eyes even for a single second no matter how sweet and tempting the sleep.
When the future looks dark, do not panic, because future does not exist yet; by using your intelligence, you can always turn it to bright!
When the light powerfully shines upon us, the darkness cannot dare to touch us!
When the road seems to be endlessly long, increase your speed!
When you hear voices from your past, do not close your ears, listen to them, but don't stop, keep walking to the future.
When you increase the number of gardens, you increase the number of heavens too!
When you jump onto the emptiness of the loneliness, the best parachute to land you safely will be the books!
When you leave the desires behind, you will find the graveyards ahead!
When you long for the port, it is time to leave the journey; when you long for the journey, it is time to leave the port!
When you look at the sky, you must know that you look at the cosmic factory which enabled you to exist as a live being!
When you make something fetish, ashes and dusts will laugh at you, because they know even the most valuable fetishes will turn into dusts and ashes!
When you rise quickly like a swallow, you must keep in mind that you may also fall fast like a stone!
When you say something, say it not for a specific day, not for a specific era, not for a specific country, but say it for all the days, for all the eras and for all the countries. Speak universal, and thus you don't have to speak thousands times; you speak once and you will be heard even ten thousand years later!
When you speak universally, it means that you speak from the Moon, you speak from the Sun, from the stars; you speak by being in every corner of the universe!
When you think that the road has ended, you must know that it is your ability to go beyond has ended, not the road!
While wishing a beautiful snowing for the streets of your city, do not forget also to wish a warm house for the homeless!
Whoever takes the decision of war, he is surely a stupid man!
Will you continue doing goodness even if you know that no one will know them? Will you continue doing kindness even if you know that no one will remember them? Then, you are truly a holy man!
Will you just stand on the foot of a high mountain and look at it with admiration or climb the top and be the admired itself? Remember that anybody can be an admirer; but the difficult thing is to be the admired one!
William Cowper said that God made the country, and man made the town. If it was the opposite, there would be no country; because town can be created from the country but the country cannot be created from the town!
Wind is the heart of the wave, the spoon of the sea and the angry bull of the ships. Without wind, there is no ardour, no agitation!
Wise man and river; they both create new paths!