Michael Polanyi Quotes
Michael Polanyi, Amartya Sen (2009). “The Tacit Dimension”, p.4, University of Chicago Press
Personal participation is the universal principle of knowing.
Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch (2008). “Meaning”, p.44, University of Chicago Press
Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch (2008). “Meaning”, p.100, University of Chicago Press
I shall reconsider human knowledge by starting from the fact that we can know more than we can tell.
Michael Polanyi, Amartya Sen (2009). “The Tacit Dimension”, p.4, University of Chicago Press
Michael Polanyi (2012). “Personal Knowledge”, p.221, Routledge
Discoveries are made by pursuing possibilities suggested by existing knowledge.
Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch (2008). “Meaning”, p.188, University of Chicago Press
Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch (2008). “Meaning”, p.182, University of Chicago Press
Michael Polanyi, Harry Prosch (2008). “Meaning”, p.61, University of Chicago Press
Theories of evolution must provide for the creative acts which brought such theories into existence.
"Transcendence And Self-Transcendence". Book by Michael Polanyi, 1970.
Michael Polanyi (1962). “The Republic of Science, Its Political and Economic Theory: A Lecture Delivered at Roosevelt University, January 11, 1962”
Michael Polanyi (1962). “The Republic of Science, Its Political and Economic Theory: A Lecture Delivered at Roosevelt University, January 11, 1962”
No inanimate object is ever fully determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.
Michael Polanyi (1974). “Scientific thought and social reality: essays”, Intl Universities Pr Inc