
Michel de Certeau Quotes

Everyday life invents itself by poaching in countless ways on the property of others.

Michel de Certeau (2011). “The Practice of Everyday Life”, p.12, Univ of California Press

To walk is to lack a place. It is the indefinite process of being absent and in search of a proper.

Michel de Certeau (2011). “The Practice of Everyday Life”, p.103, Univ of California Press

More than its utilitarian and technocratic transparency, it is the opaque ambivalence of its oddities that makes the city livable.

Michel de Certeau, Pierre Mayol (1998). “The Practice of Everyday Life: Living and cooking. Volume 2”, p.134, U of Minnesota Press

A memory is only a Prince Charming who stays just long enough to awaken the Sleeping Beauties of our wordless stories.

Michel de Certeau (2011). “The Practice of Everyday Life”, p.108, Univ of California Press

The created order is everywhere punched and torn open by ellipses, drifts, and leaks of meaning: it is a sieve-order.

Michel de Certeau (2011). “The Practice of Everyday Life”, p.107, Univ of California Press