
Nathan Fillion Quotes - Page 2

There's only one spot in history for the first ever of anything.

There's only one spot in history for the first ever of anything.

Interview with Michelle Monaghan, May 18, 2015.

I have jobs that I've preferred more than others simply because I've gotten to meet and make friends with great people. I've pulled at least one very close friend from every project I've done.

"Sundance Interview: Nathan Fillion on Waitress and Firefly!". Interview with Alex Billington, January 30, 2007.

When I was a waiter I was fired twice from the same restaurant. I guess I was that good of an actor but that bad of a waiter.

"Roundtable With Seven Stars Who Had an Emmy-Worthy Year". Interview with Jenelle Riley, June 6, 2012.