
P. W. Botha Quotes

Most blacks are happy, except those who have had other ideas pushed into their ears.

"Dictionary of South African Quotations". Book by Jennifer Crwys-Williams, Penguin Books, p. 53, 1994.

You could not claim for yourself that which you were not prepared to grant others.

"A Treasury of Quotations", Lennox-Short and Lee, Donker, (p. 203), 1991.

We do not want chaos in South Africa.

Sunday Times, November 5, 2006.

I never have the nagging doubt of wondering whether perhaps I am wrong.

"Dictionary of South African Quotations" by Jennifer Crwys-Williams, Penguin Books, (p. 285), 1994.

The free world wants to feed South Africa to the Red Crocodile [communism], to appease its hunger.

"Dictionary of South African Quotations" by Jennifer Crwys-Williams, Penguin Books, (p. 90), 1994.

The people who are opposing the policy of apartheid have not the courage of their convictions. They do not marry non-Europeans.

"Dictionary of South African Quotations" by Jennifer Crwys-Williams, Penguin Books, (p. 251), 1994.

Our history is responsible for the differences in the South African way of life.

"Dictionary of South African Quotations" by Jennifer Crwys-Williams, Penguin Books, (p. 183), 1994.