
Patricia Briggs Quotes - Page 3

Some people are boys longer than others.

Some people are boys longer than others.

Patricia Briggs (2011). “The Mercy Thompson Collection”, p.813, Penguin

Truth is without flourishes or manners and runs with a logic all its own.

Patricia Briggs (2011). “The Mercy Thompson Collection”, p.1196, Penguin

This world has need of song and sword.

Patricia Briggs (2002). “Dragon Bones”, p.133, Penguin

Where does a werewolf sleep? Anywhere he wants to.

Patricia Briggs (2010). “Silver Borne”, p.44, Penguin

Love is not necessary for sex.

Patricia Briggs (2002). “Dragon Blood”, p.259, Penguin

Don’t lick the guests, darling. Bad manners.

Patricia Briggs (2006). “Moon Called”, p.170, Penguin